About me
I have loved photography since my childhood. At the age of 13, I got my first Refelx slr camera, I remember it very well, It was a Fujica ST701 with a Fujinon lens of 55mm f/1.8. It was with this camera and black and white prints developed in the school’s lab that I won my first photography prize.
Although I did not make it my profession, photography has accompanied me throughout my life. I continued my photographic experiments mainly in analog black and white for many years, developing my own prints. Then one day, I decided to take the plunge by buying my first digital camera during the early days of full frame sensors. I sold my Leica M6 for a M9, then a M240, and finally the M10-R, wich I am particularly fond of for its quality, sensitivity and handling. The computer and the printer have replaced the darkroom. It’s not exactly the same, but the pleasure of bringing images to life remains.
We live in an extraordinary time, with access to images from all over the world of breathtaking quality. They are all more beautiful than the others, offering a true feast for the eyes. However, one can easily feel drowned in this ocean of images, like a drop of water….but without drops of water there would be no ocean.
Thank you for visiting me, and I hope that you enjoyed loocking at my images. Ultimately, what matters is the time we take for the pleasure of contemplating !